Sunday, July 17, 2005

The art of seduction

I have been reading this book for a few years now (yes, years) called the "Art of Seduction", it's mostly and historical characterization of different types of seducers and although I love the book, I have never been able to finish it.

The book defines nine types of seducers: the siren, the ideal lover, etc. After having read the beginning now two times, I believe I'm sort of a natural, ie, a child-like seducer. At least, I would like to think so... :-) Strangely enough, the book just reminds me of how typified our whole society has been come. Let me explain: we all believe there are seducers and "losers". We all believe there are leaders and followers. We all believe that someone has to win and someone has to lose.

What if it was all wrong? What if it was all much more grey than we think?

"But it is" - you would tell me. I would agree and would even say most people would agree with both of us, but we seem to forget it when we create these images of people. When we revere the front cover of Fortune or Time. When we believe in heroes.

We seem to look at other people forgetting the basis on which we live our own life. It is never too happy or too sad. Never too perfect or too imperfect. So why should Bill Gates' life (just an example) be clearer than ours? Why should he not abide by the laws that bound us all to our "normal" lives?

I would dare say that no matter how rich, how heroic someone has been, he has to face the "gravity" of every-day life (on his/her terms) or has several people have once written: "Gravity always wins".

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