Sunday, October 29, 2006

I can't sleep

I haven't been able to sleep a straight night for months now. I don't really know why.

It's not insomnia, but I keep waking up every two hours or so.

Yesterday, I realized something. I can't bear continuing like this... or better yet, I can bear it, but it's really not fun anymore.

Imagine there's a You.
I want you. I want to kiss you desperately like there's no tomorrow... like if there is a tomorrow, it would not be worth living if not side-by-side with you.


Yes, but one that actually makes sense for once. I long to just touch your hand and feel that electricity. The electricity that makes us feel alive... that makes us feel... together.
I was once told by a palm-reader that I would marry the woman "I wanted to" and would be “tremendously happy”.

I was not a believer (probably still am not) in palm-reading but some of his other "predictions" proved tragically correct for a friend of mine.

I don't think I've consciously thought about it much, but would not put any money in betting that sub-consciously I haven't done so.

Today, this "belief" is probably gone... not totally, but almost
Any takers for a neo-romantic guy who sold himself years ago to the "dark side" of management, strategy and the illusion of fast-tracking in the corporate ladder as a substitute for actual, sustainable "it takes two" happiness?

I do hope... better yet, believe there is one. Is it You?

P.S.: This text was written a couple of days ago.

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