- "Potentially stupid or inadequate question (whatever): do you want to go to Antigua in may?" What a stupid text to send. He don't think he's going to get an answer... or a proper one at least... at least to this question.
- This mobile thing is weird... Why do beautiful women use it as a way to introduce themselves into a room with people. Isn't their beauty more than enough?
- What if he was indifferent to it all? Would he feel better? Would he be happier?
- To live up to one's potential is an interesting concept.

- He has learnt how to face some of his limitations. From introvert to a pseudo-extrovert. He travels alone. Enjoys himself alone. For crying out loud, he even writes about it. What next? "Don Juanism"? Extended extroversion?
- Lounging is perhaps a good sign of how far we have digressed from what should be our path (judgementally said - he might add). Is it pseudo-hedonism? Others would days: it's a step in the right direction... finding the calm and quiet in order to re-charge and proceed with one's life.
- This look like a good ending to chapter 1. "The End" (he always loves to write this)
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