- He is 28... and so what? He just feels he is still young, but has worked for so long, it is hard not to take himself too seriously. On a personal level, he is able to do what he wants when he wants it, but is looking a bit worried about the family, marrying thing.
- We are a "trendy lemmings society" globally. We are all following someone else... the problem is we don't know who the leaders of the "pack" are... These "trend" leaders probably don't know they are leaders either. What a mess.
- Lounging is his new favourite "thing". It's not really going to bars... it implies a state of relaxation, a state of "I couldn't care ____" and ultimately listening to nice chill-out music.
- Two women, one club... London. One behind the bar, the other one waitressing. One, short hair, almost male-like short hair, looking strong, yet sweet, in control, yet lost (P.S. note: she was definitely lost, but was surely as lost as she was incredible). The other one, long curls, blonde hair, a sweetness I hadn't seen in years, almost like a pure girl... but still, something so intense about her. Two women, one club, London.
- "Those demented lands" are awfully awkward. He would dare say just totally incomprehensible.
- He wonders what his "seduction character" is? Rake would be awkward. "Ideal lover" too... Casanova? He doesn't think so.
- "Should I stay or should I go now?" - well, who knows.
- He had just seen a woman close to perfection. He is not a museum-goer. In effect, he believes resides in the middle of the world, not hidden from it, not behind some grand entrance. He just had dinner at Cafe Victor and thought: "Wow!". She was truly beautiful. Anyway, he just thought it was a moment to cherish. He's strange like that.
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