Monday, July 28, 2008

Beijing today

- Weather is not good at all and there is smog all over town. Although we have had some good clear sky sunny days recently, recently the weather has been quite bad.
- Traffic is a bit improved but not dramatically (1). It may have to do with people like me and others renting two cars and thus having no real reduction in effective traffic.
- Traffic ... (2): Given the Olympic lanes in key avenues, we (not Olympic material) are also feeling left out and pushed to unnecessary queues. The fine for going on it is 200 RMB (equivalent of 20 Euro), but net net, there have been rumors that there may be other penalties apart from the cash.
- Airport: If leaving from Terminal 3, leave early... currently recommended to be at terminal 3 for a domestic flight 2.5 hours before time of departure and 3.5 hours for international !!! Terminal 2 is much more civilized and I recommend it heavily if you are booking your trip to or from Beijing.

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