Yesterday, I was having a drink at the hotel bar - quite cool, by the way - and without really realizing got immersed in what I call my "child-like" perspective: starting too look at everything like a kid, smiling by seeing something out of the ordinary, not questioning too much, just finding it all very interesting...very new.
I don't know how this perspective first came about in my life and I'm sure others feel it once in a while, but I can't help but to feel so free when I do go into this "mode".
Being like a "child" has three huge advantages:
1) You don't think too much and even if you do something not very smart, you really don't care.
2) You step back on everything and gain a naive like perspective, which is quite liberating.
3) It gets you closer to something that is quite unique... the illusion of purity.
You see, on the latter one, I actually have the theory that most of us spend all of our lives trying to reach this "pure state of mind". The thing is, we actually had it once, when we were kids, but a lot of us forget that.

I know not all kids have the chance to be happy, but having worked with those that were called by adulthood several years before they were supposed to, I still find that deep down most of them still keep that genuine purity nonetheless.
After all, maybe all of us do.
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