Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Good Old Days

Well, back to the good old days. Since I went back to my "advisory" life, I had still not worked this late. It's now almost midnight and here I am close to going back to the hotel... where "close" seems to be the key word.

The team is closing the current draft version and I'm meditating... meditating on this thing called "good old days".

On the one hand, I can't say I didn't miss this. There's surely a buzz around working late and thinking you are changing the world in some way that nobody really understands except you and your colleagues (and some enlightened others as well).

On the other hand, that's plain bullshit and I think deep down we all know it.

This effort I was not in charge of, but still I need to think about how to change these dynamics... definitely this is ok once in a while, but I don't want to make a habit of it... nor should anyone else.

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